Hearing Health Center

Physicians Hearing Network (PHN) provides complimentary hearing healthcare services inside primary care practices. There is no cost to the practice, no cost to the patient and no billing of insurance. PHN pays the practice rent for use of an exam room a set number of days per week.

Insurance: PPO, HMO, Medicare, TriCare

States Excluded: Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming

Compensation: A) $2,500 1 X Bonus per contracted location with no ongoing relationship management. B) $2,500 Initial contract bonus. $500 quarterly performance based bonus with ongoing relationship management. C) $4,000 1 X Bonus per contracted location in Urgent markets.

Pay Cycle: Paid upon commencement of services in practice.

Categories: Ancillary Services,

Specialties: Family Medicine, Functional Medicine, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine,

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