As a road warrior, staying fit is not the easiest thing to do. With a day that is often filled with long drives and lengthy waits in waiting rooms, getting active during the day can be a bit of a challenge!
Setting up your day from the start means getting a walk, run or gym session in before you head out on the road. When you feel physically fit and strong, it helps you feel mentally strong and confident too. Getting some activity in first thing, means you get to carry that feeling with you through the day.
There are a few things you do have control of during the day that can help set you up for success. Some of the top tips we have include:
Count your steps
The first step in any change is to build awareness and it’s hard to change what you can’t measure. If you use a step tracker you can see your activity throughout the day. As a road warrior you may find you are only doing 2-3,000 steps per day. Track your typical activity and then find ways to add more steps in.
Get your steps in
It’s hard to get the recommended 10,000 steps in if you don’t purposefully build in physical activity. An easy way to get a few extra steps in is to pick a parking spot further away from the practice. These extra steps can get the blood circulating again after a lengthy drive and help you hit your step count without spending another 10 or 15 minutes on the treadmill.
Take the stairs
Many fitness trackers will also count your flights of stairs. Stairs are a great way to get some extra activity and get the heart rate going too. When you find an opportunity, look for the stair well.
Stay hydrated
Sometimes we skimp out on drinking enough during the day due to the inconvenience of bathroom stops or we can fill up on coffee or sodas instead of water. Get in the habit of keeping 2 to 3 bottles of water in your car and drinking between each office visit. Staying hydrated will help keep your energy levels up and keep you feeling fresh. Lengthy time sitting and soda, is a recipe for diabetes type 2 so don’t become a victim to the problems you are working to solve.
Plan your lunch
The plethora of fast food drive throughs can make it tempting to grab a burger or shake to go. Being prepared with a few healthy snacks or lunch will help you skip the 1,000 calorie lunch. There are a bunch of great protein bars and drinks available that help keep you feeling full and energized. You can also keep a small cooler in your car with fruit, nuts or a homemade lunch.
A few simple mini habits help set you up for success when it comes to looking after yourself. Remember you are in medical sales, and looking after your own fitness shows you take health care seriously.